Millie & Raven!

Our Millie is such a sweet pea of a sheep! She is a good babysitter for lambs and is attached to Bunny sheep. She lives in our little group of special needs sheep. She has a crooked front leg. She can still outrun me though! Today she was having a nap in the shade.

May 22, 2022

Raven is such a funny little sheep! If you didn’t already know she had troubles as a lamb, you would never know it now. Just a little crooked now but it certainly does not hold her back. She loves to go for walks in the pasture with me. We go out to check on the little ‘grove’ of trees growing on the other side of the hill. They are volunteer trees that seem to have just appeared/volunteered? They are very cute little pine trees of some sort. Must be something the sheep do not find tasty so the trees will grow tall!

June 2021

Millie led the way to follow me and make sure I did not have any Fruit Loops left. They love love them for treats. Sweets is the most patient girl. She stands next to me and waits for me to feed them to her by hand. The others? More like a bunch of linebackers! I have to feed the Fruit Loops to them in their food bowls. Gotta keep an eye all the time or they will take you out! (Not meanly, they are just very single minded when it comes to food- they get that from me maybe?)


January 2021

Millie, Sweets and Merlin were having a walk about in the snow this morning!


Nov. 2020 - Raven’s a big girl now!


Our Millie is such a good girl! She’s never had a lamb of her own but she loves the bottle lambs. She’s a wonderful babysitter. Isaac will move outside soon and Millie, Sweets, Raven and Ticco will be in charge of teaching him to be a good sheep.


Raven grew a lovely fleece! She was very good and put up with my shearing job too. Such a pretty girl- the photo makes her look silvery BUT she is pitch black. Ooh la la!

(You can read all about her shearing day here…)


March 2020

Raven is a grown up girl - and such a princess! She hid her tiara so I could not wear it myself? Wow you silly little sheep!


October 2019

Sweets is smitten with Ticco! Her ‘baby’ now. He is an almost 2 year old Angora goatie. Goats like their space but he decided Sweets was not going to abide by his rules. Now he’s attached to her too!

August 2019

Raven is a big girl now! She’s been staying in the office with me because she arrived with an injury. She needed some rest and now she’s working on moving outside. She’s feeling pretty spunky!


July 2019
Millie, Sweets and little Raven helping mow the lawn!


June 2019

The girls are so fun! Both are very active and happily mowing the lawn around the house for us! They were a little sleepy the other morning…


June 2019

The girls finally got their shearing day last week! They are sporting short wool and all set for summer. We have a little bell on Millie now so Sweets does not lose track of her. Millie is a wonderful guide for Sweets though. Always watching out for her and waiting if she gets behind. Even going back for her if she’s worried or lost.

Sweets is exploring now too. They had a quieter home with Deb so the noises and activity level is different. She’s getting brave and yesterday walked from their little house, out the gate and all the way to the front yard- on her own! She looked so proud of herself. Millie waited by the house. I think she wanted a nap? Once she decided Sweets was staying out for a bite to eat she hustled over to be by her. They are such wondrous creatures!


Two beautiful sheep who are moved in and stealing our hearts! Their owner loved them so much but due to life circumstances is being forced to downsize her flock. Sweets and Millie are East Fresian sheep with a background that has a cross- thus the black fleeces. Gorgeousness!


Sweets is six years old and blind. She can see shadows though so does not bump into things. Millie is almost one year old and has a crooked front leg. She is Sweets’ guide through life. They are very devoted to each other. Keep an eye out for more pictures and stories about them as they settle in. Keep a good thought for their owner too ok? She’s very heartbroken.
