Maxwell & Oliver!

September 2023
Maxwell is such a stinker! I am not sure what I did (or didn’t do) to offend him this time. He’s not very respectful right? Cracks me UP. He tends to act like his llamas do. He’s always had an identity crisis; he was a baby in the house so he thought first he was a Great Pyrenees, then when he moved outside he climbed trees to be a goatie, then decided he was a llama and has been ever since. He follows them everywhere and rarely strays far from them. He does sleep in the sheep barn though. A sheep has to draw the line somewhere after all!

Nov. 2020- Oliver is ready for a little trim to his bangs already!


Shearing day happened a few weeks ago now. Maxwell is sporting his new hair style very well don’t you think?


March 2020

My little Oliver is a grown up now- one year old. Ready for his very first shearing. Time sure scoots past me. Waaaaay too quickly!


October 2019

Oliver is still working on his hide and seek skills! It’s hard to hide on Ticco though- be sure to scroll down!


August 2019

Maxwell’s a big boy now!

Chico Macaw and Oliver playing on the front porch!


June 2019

Maxwell has decided he will now be a suri alpaca? I guess whatever works right? Poor Oliver! He’s not sure he wants to grow up yet so Maxwell just leaves him behind. Oliver races around looking for ME so I can walk him back home. He’s so sweet. If he needs me for a while yet that is ok with me. I do hope he starts sleeping through the night soon though!



February 2019

I’m sure by now you know how much I adore bottle lambs! Since we do not breed our sheep, we adopt orphans from friend’s flocks if they come around. This year during the 50 below weather in FEBRUARY surprise lambs started arriving in Tami’s flock. Her ram apparently jumped the fence, visited the ladies, then jumped back out. Surprise lambs!

Oliver is the white Cotswold lamb and Maxwell the black Cotswold cross lamb. They are fast friends and spent most of the winter in my office. It was too cold to put them outside.


They are devoted to each other but are such different personalities! Oliver is a bit of a lug. He lumbers and gallops through life, all happy and silly. Sometimes it takes him a little while to figure things out but only because he’s such an agreeable guy. Good thing Maxwell shows him the way when necessary!


On the other hand, Maxwell is a little jumping bean! He is fast and I swear he could run straight up the wall if he wanted to? He was about half the size of Oliver when he arrived, despite being born within days of each other. There have already been many adventures so keep an eye out for updates!
