What is your Favorite Roving Mill?

After washing wool here at the farm, we also send out for machine carding and blending into beautiful roving! 

We send wool to our good friend Shari at Morro Fleece Works. The the fiber is carded into beautiful loose or pin drafted roving. She is wonderful, has been good to us/our fiber for a long time now-we adore her. The pin drafted roving is one step further than loose roving and allows us to run roving that has different colors side by side- fun and easy to spin!! Thank you Shari! 

Please remember that even though we work hard to only use the cleanest wool in our fleeces, most of the fleeces we work with are from sheep who do not wear coats or covers. We do not carbonize our wool so you may find a bit of vegetable matter here and there--we try to make our descriptions as accurate, both in words and color, as possible! Our sheep are encouraged to be sheep first, clean last (thank goodness because they could care less about clean!!)

Here are a few samples of yarn I spun up with our roving:


You can always find our specialty Crazy Quilt Yarns here. 

If you don't spin yarn, I love special orders. Email the sheep any time and we'll have you all set to go with your next woolie yarn project!